DeModa Fashions
Meet The C.E.O.
My name is Dyanna, but I go by Dee. I am an aspiring Entrepreneur, whose main focus is to reach out to those individuals who love to voice their opinions not only verbally, but also through Graphic T-Shirts and Urban Fashion.
When I was younger, in my high school days (14-17), I was never able to fully express myself. I would always wear T Shirts to express how I felt, what I wanted to say, or simply just because I liked the clothing. Self Expression in my opinion, is the best way to gain respect.
My goal is to eventually have my own fashion line to reassure those that do not feel that their voice is ever heard, that it is very much okay to say it through graphics and also Self Expression. The Items that you will see in the next few pages, are Exclusively Hand Picked by Me. One thing that many of you may not know is that I really take pride in staying up to date in the latest fashion trends, so I feel that when you present yourself to the universe, you should do so in STYLE.
I Also specialize, and have a background in Graphic Design and Business Marketing, making peoples Business Vision come to life, is what I enjoy doing, and I am very good at it might I add.
"Don't ever feel like you are not important enough to be heard or seen,Your Voice Matters, and Most Importantly, YOU Matter.
Much Love,
DeModa Fashions